
This website, controlled by The Magicians Table Ltd provides marketing information about The Magicians Table. The Magicians Table Ltd is the Data Controller, for the purposes of Data Protection Law, when your personal information is processed as a result of your visit to this website.

We are committed to providing you with relevant information about, and control over, how we process your personal information.

This policy explains what personal information we may record, why we do so, how you may control the use of your information and how we protect your information. Details of your legal rights and how to exercise them are also set out below.

This policy was last updated on 07/05/2024. Any future changes to our policy will be reflected here.

Contacting us

Questions, comments and requests regarding this privacy policy are welcomed and should be addressed by email to

Why we process your personal information

We process your personal information gathered on this website in order to tailor our marketing to your needs and to improve our website for future customers.  The specific purposes for which we may process information, and the lawful basis on which we do so in each case, are set out below.

Our legal basis for processing your personal data

The UK and EU GDPR, (Our Global standard of compliance) requires that a Controller must have a legal basis for processing Personal Data. More details are provided in the Schedule of Processing but, in most instances, our legal bases for processing your personal information are:

  • Your consent. We will obtain your consent by agreeing to our terms and conditions through a tick box on our website, and you are able to withdraw your consent at any time. You can do this by contacting 

  • We have a contractual obligation.

  • We have a legitimate interest.

Retention period

We will only keep your Personal Data for as long as is necessary to fulfil the purposes we collected it for, which may include satisfying any legal, accounting, or reporting requirements. The retention period depends on the type of Personal Data and the reason we are processing it. Further details of retention periods are set out in the Schedule of Processing which can be found at the end of this document.

When calculating the appropriate retention period for your data, we consider the nature and sensitivity of the data, the purposes for which we are processing the data, and any applicable statutory retention periods. Using these criteria, we regularly review the Personal Data which we hold and the purposes for which it is held and processed.

When we determine that Personal Data can no longer be retained (or where we must comply you request us to delete your data in accordance with your right to do so) we ensure that this data is securely deleted or destroyed.

How do we collect your data?

We will collect your Personal Data directly from you in the following ways:

Most of the personal information we process is provided to us directly by you for one of the following reasons:

  • You have agreed to being on our database by signing up to the newsletter form

  • You have bought a ticket and agreed to receive marketing from us

  • You have special dietary requirements

  • You have special accessibility requirements

  • You have won or entered a competition

  • You have asked us contact you about a specific issue

We also receive personal information indirectly, from the following sources in the following scenarios:

  • Ticket agents if you have bought a ticket

  • Partners and sponsors, for competitions or agreed ticket allocations

We use the information that you have given us in order to

  • Give you information about performances that pertain to your booking

  • Share promotional content (based on your agreement)

  • We are checking vaccination status, but the data is not being collected, stored, or processed in any way. 

Data Transfers

The personal information collected while you use this website may be transferred to countries outside the European Economic Area (EEA). This may happen, for example, when the computer servers used to host the website, or our advertising and marketing systems are located in a country outside the EEA. If we transfer your personal information outside of the EEA in this way, we will take steps to ensure that your privacy rights continue to be appropriately protected.

 Tailoring this website to your needs

We want to make our website easy to personalise.  We use preference cookies to store your preferences, such as website language selection, so that you do not need to make the same selections every time you visit our website. These cookies, stored by your browser on your device, will retain your preference choices for 30 days, until you delete them.  We record your consent to store cookies when you first visit the site and click on the cookie notice, and we provide details of how to change your settings within this page.

Improving the effectiveness of our website

We want to make sure that our website enables people to learn about the show and to book tickets, so that the site meets the needs of our customers and is easy to use. To do this, we need to understand how people use this site, where they spend time and which pages, they find less useful.  We use Google Analytics platform and HotJar to understand how you and other visitors use our website, for example recording in what order pages are visited and how long is spent on each, so that we may improve the website in future. (Google Analytics platform’s privacy policy may be found here and HotJar’s privacy policy may be found here) We record your consent to store site analytics cookies when you first visit the site and click on the cookie notice. The lawful basis on which we process these analytics cookies is our legitimate interest in improving our website as we believe that the use of such cookies is not intrusive. Details of how to change your cookie settings so that you do not participate in our site analytics may be found here.

Targeting and measuring the effectiveness of our digital marketing

We know that many people visit a show site several times to learn about the show and dates when tickets are available before deciding to book tickets.  We want to make sure that our digital advertisements on other websites and social media are seen by people likely to be interested in the show, including by visitors to this site who have not yet booked. We also want to understand the effectiveness of our advertising in encouraging visits to the website and ticket bookings so that we may improve it in future for example by reviewing the choice of advertising design and the websites and advertising networks used to reach possible customers. Achieving this may involve showing different versions of advertisements to different customers to measure the responses generated by each. We may use available browsing history, including visits to this website, to identify people to whom we wish to show advertisements on websites operated by third parties and to record how many visitors are referred to our site from other sites.  We use Google Campaign Manager 360 advertising tracking cookies to achieve this and process these cookies on the basis of legitimate interest. We believe that showing relevant advertisements is in your interest as well as ours and we do not believe that such personalisation is generally considered intrusive. We respect any decision not to participate in personalised advertising, in which case third party sites may show you non personalised advertising and you may still see advertisements for our show. We record your consent to store advertising tracking cookies when you first visit the site and click on the cookie notice. Details of how to change your settings to opt out of personalised advertising may be found here. We use Google Campaign Manager 360 to track our advertising. Details of how long your data is stored and how transfers outside the EEA are protected may be found in their Privacy Policy.  Our tracking cookie information is not shared with third parties for their own use, though we may use it to reconcile advertising costs with the publishers of third-party sites.

Your rights

We want to be transparent about how we process your data and to ensure that you can exercise your legal rights:

  • To be informed – via this Privacy Policy which sets out how we collect and process data.

  • To access your data – please contact if you wish to confirm what data we hold about you.

  • To have your data corrected – please contact if you feel that data held is incorrect and want this rectified.

  • To have processing of your data ceased – please contact if you wish us to cease processing your data without erasing it.

  • To have your data erased – please contact to request deletion of data that we hold about you.

  • To data portability – we process data only to personalise our services to you so do not consider it appropriate to pass your data to other organisations. Some banks and utilities offer facilities to switch accounts, but this is not applicable to our business.

  • To object to processing of your data on the basis of legitimate interest or for statistical purposes – please contact

  • to withdraw consent – If you have given us your consent for the processing of your Personal Data, you can withdraw this at any time. Please note, the withdrawal has no effect on the legality of the data processing carried out in the past on the basis of your consent. To exercise your right to withdraw consent contact us at

In order to exercise your rights please contact the Data Protection Officer at

However, if you are not satisfied with our answer, you can also contact the relevant competent supervisory authority. In the UK, the relevant supervisory authority is the ICO, contact details of which can be found below. 


If you consider MM! The Party to process your personal data in an incorrect way you can contact us. You also have the right to make a complaint about it to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO). 

They can be contacted at:

Information Commissioner’s Office

Wycliffe House

Water Lane
